Germany Phone Number Format Guide
Quick Overview
German mobile numbers start with 015x, 016x, or 017x and are typically 10-11 digits long after the country code (+49).
Germany Phone Number Generator
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Try Germany Phone Number GeneratorGermany Phone Number Format Structure
German phone numbers follow different formats for mobile and landline numbers:
- Country Code: +49
- Mobile Prefix: 015x/016x/017x
- Subscriber Number: 7-8 digits
Format Examples
+49 151 1234 5678
- International format0151 1234 5678
- National format0151-1234-5678
- Hyphenated format15112345678
- Plain format
Germany Phone Number Area Code Distribution
Major Networks
- 0151, 0160, 0170: Deutsche Telekom
- 0152, 0162, 0172: Vodafone
- 0157, 0163, 0173: E-Plus
- 0159, 0176, 0179: O2
Virtual Operators
- Uses existing network infrastructure
- Same prefix ranges as major networks
- Number portability between operators
Germany Phone Number Format Rules
Number Rules
Mobile numbers must start with 015x, 016x, or 017x
Total length must be 10-11 digits (excluding country code)
Leading zero is omitted when using international format
Special Considerations
- Emergency number: 112
- Police: 110
- Mobile number portability is available