Denmark Phone Number Format Guide
Quick Overview
Danish phone numbers are typically 8 digits long with country code +45. The format can vary depending on the type of number (mobile, landline, etc.).
Denmark Phone Number Generator
Need to generate Denmark phone numbers for testing? Use our free phone number generator tool that follows all the latest Denmark number format rules and conventions.
Try Denmark Phone Number GeneratorDenmark Phone Number Basic Format and Structure
Danish phone numbers follow a straightforward structure:
- Country code: +45
- Number length: 8 digits
- Format: XX XX XX XX
The numbers are typically written in pairs for better readability, though there's no strict requirement for this format.
Denmark Phone Number Area Code Distribution
Denmark does not use area codes in the traditional sense. Instead, the first digits of the phone number indicate the type of service:
- 2X, 30-31, 40-42: Mobile numbers
- 3X-4X (except mobile): Copenhagen area
- 5X: Zealand and surrounding islands
- 6X: Funen and southern Jutland
- 7X-8X: Jutland
- 90: Premium rate services
Denmark Phone Number Carrier Information
Major mobile carriers in Denmark include:
- TDC (YouSee)
- Telenor
- Telia
- 3 (Hi3G)
Number portability is fully implemented in Denmark, meaning customers can keep their phone numbers when switching between carriers.
Denmark Phone Number Format Rules
Valid Formats
XXXXXXXX (within Denmark)
Invalid Formats
Numbers shorter or longer than 8 digits
Numbers starting with invalid prefixes
Using area codes before the number
Special Considerations
- All Danish phone numbers must be exactly 8 digits
- The country code (+45) is optional when dialing within Denmark
- Spaces between digit pairs are optional but commonly used
Denmark Phone Number Additional Information
Here are some additional details about Danish phone numbers:
- Emergency numbers: 112 (general emergency), 114 (police non-emergency)
- Special service numbers often start with 80 (toll-free) or 90 (premium rate)
- Business numbers may have special formats but still maintain the 8-digit length
- Mobile numbers typically start with 2, 30, 31, 40, 41, or 42
- The Danish numbering plan is managed by the Danish Business Authority